Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007

Kraton Jogja

Kraton ( istana )Kasultanan Yogyakarta terletak dipusat kota Yogyakarta. Lebih dari 200 tahun yang lalu, tempat ini ini merupakan sebuah rawa dengan nama Umbul Pacetokan, yang kemudian dibangun oleh Pangeran Mangkubumi menjadi sebuah pesanggrahan dengan nama Ayodya.Pada tahun 1955 terjadilah perjanjian Giyanti yang isinya membagi dua kerajaan Mataram menjadi Kasunanan Surakarta dibawah pemerintah Sunan Pakubuwono III dan Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta dibawah pemerintah Pangeran Mangkubumi yang kemudian bergelar Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

Pesanggrahan Ayodya selanjutnya dibangun menjadi Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta . Kraton Yogyakarta berdiri megah menghadap ke arah utara dengan halaman depan berupa alun- alun ( lapangan ) yang dimasa lalu dipergunakan sbg tempat mengumpulkan rakyat, latihan perang bagi para prajurit, dan tempat penyelenggaraan upacara adat. Pada tepi sebelah selatan Alun- alun Utara , terdapat serambi depan istana yang lazim disebut Pagelaran. Ditempat ini Sri Sultan, kerabat istana dan para pejabat pemerintah Kraton menyaksikan latihan para prajurit atau beberapa upacara adat yang diselenggarakan di alun - alun utara.

Dihalaman lebih dalam yang tanahnya sengaja dibuat tinggi ( sehingga disebut Siti Hinggil ), terdapat balairung istana yang disebut bangsal Manguntur Tangkil. Ditempat ini para wisatawan dapat menyaksikan situasi persidangan pemerintahan Kraton jaman dulu, yang diperagakan oleh boneka - boneka lengkap dengan pakaian kebesaran. Kraton sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan Kraton sbg tempat tinggal Sri Sultan Hamengku buwono beserta kerabat istana, dipisahkan oleh halaman dalam depan yang disebut Kemandungan utara atau halaman Keben, karena disini tumbuh pohon yang dalam tahun 1986 dinyatakan Pemerintah Indonesia sbg lambing perdamaian , dalam peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Internasional.

Didalam lingkungan Kraton sebelah dalam terdapat halaman Sri Manganti dengan regol ( gapuro ) Danapratopo yang dijaga sepasang Dwarapala : Cingkarabala dan Bala Upata, Bangsal Traju Mas, Bangsal Sri Manganti yang kini dipergunakan untuk menyimpan beberapa perangkat gamelan antik dan dari masa silam, yang memiliki laras merdu sewaktu diperdengarkan suaranya. Didalam halam Inti yang terletak lebih kedalam,para wisatawan dapat menyaksikan gedung Kuning yang merupakan gedung tempat Sri Sultan beradu, bangsal Prabayekso. Bangsal manis, tempat Sri Sultan menjamu tamu - tamunya, lingkungan Kasatriyan sbg tempat tinggal putera ; putera Sri Sultan yang belum menikah. Tempat terakhir ini terlarang bagi kunjungan wisatawan.

Kraton merupakan sumber pancaran seni budaya jawa yang dapat disaksikan melalui keindahan arsitektur dengan ornamen- ornamennya yang mempesonakan. Setiap hari Karaton terbuka untuk kunjungan wisatawan mulai pukul 08.30 hingga pukul 13.00, kecuali hari Jum;at Kraton anya buka sampai dengan pukul; 11.00.



The largest zoo and complete in Southeast Asia and divided to some places for birds, freshwater aquarium and brine, quarantine Toxidemi, night animal ( nocturama) and various mammals ( mammal). In Special place, there is also porpoise (pesut mahakam) and mermaid

Surabaya Zoo located in Setail Street 1 Surabaya (Wonokromo - beside Joyoboyo station area), KBS is big zoo and complete. It is in it are dwelt more than 351 composing different animal species more than 2806 animals. Include Indonesia rareness animal and also world consisted of Mammalian, Aves, Reptile, and Pisces.

KBS is part of education that is indirectly good for recognizing many kinds of animal so that planted early on feeling love to the nature and its contents. Besides, KBS (Shortly of Surabaya Zoo, commonly people called it as KBS) is animal garden with the meaning place with main function of conservation which is do some effort for treatment and breeding various animal types for the agenda of forming and develop new habitat as supporting facilities for protection and conservation of nature.

As a Dutch colonial heritage zoo with a width of about 15 hectares and stood since 1916. KBS pertained is ideal to evaluated from the location aspect, wide, and collection of animal reaching 400 types, from within and also overseas. Correction many done by management, like existence of parent program to take care of animal, strive free animal help frKBS is build based on Dutch Governor General Decision on 31 Augusts 1916 number 40, by the name " Soerabaiasche Planten-en Dierentuin" (Surabaya Botany Garden and Animal) for service a journalist named H.F.K. Kommer an animal collector. From the angle of financial H.F.K Kommer get help from some people donor. The first KBS location is in Kaliondo, in 1916, and then on 28 Septembers 1917 moves in Groedo Street. In 1920 it was moves again to Darmo area for new zoo area to OOST-JAVA STOOMTRAM MAATSCHAPPIJ or Train Station service.

For the first time in April 1918, KBS is opened but with paying admission sign (ticket). Then high operating expenses effect, hence on 21 Julies 1922 botany gardens / KBS experience monetary crisis and will be disbanded, but some of it members of are disagree.

om zoo beyond the sea, and the facilities development.On 11 Mays 1923, meeting of members in Simpang Restaurant decided to build a Zoo Organization, which is new, and referred by WA. Hompes to remain in the zoo. The big help for continuity of life in 1927 of DIJKERMAN governor and member of council A. Van Genrep successfully persuade the Parliament of Surabaya City to give attention to KBS, with SK DPR on 3 Julies 1927 bought land, which has 32000 m3 width contribution from Train Station (OJS). In 1939 hitherto KBS wide increase become 15 hectares and in 1940 it had finished the garden of 85000-m2 width.

KBS Philosophy:
Multifarious is animal which life dispersion in the earth is the one supreme God award and benefit to man and balance of nature as nature of The Most Generous character and The Most EnamoFrom year to year, KBS developments have changed its function. Surabaya Zoo, which is former just for recreation place, have been developed his function to become support facilities for protection and conservation, education and research. Animals becom KBS collection from year to year number and its types is always increase from outside and also in country.

For period to come progress, need the coordination with related parties like BKSDA (Conservation Hall of Natural resources) Department of Forestry, On Duty Breeding East Java Province, and Surabaya Sub Breeding Department
red from The one supreme God to all his creation.

source by www.eastjava

Kenjeran Beach

Kenjeran beach is located in Kenjeran district in the east top Surabaya, which is ± 9 km from Surabaya. Kenjeran beach has divided into two beaches; they are Old Kenjeran Beach and New Kenjeran Beach.

The activities that can do in Old Kenjeran Beach are enjoying the panorama of the beach, fishing, sailing, and buying sea fishes. While the activities in New Kenjeran Beach are more sport activities, such as; Tennis, Horseracing, Motorbike, Race, Swimming, Fishing, Playground, and places of worship.

The available facilities of this area are; restaurants, toilets, hotels, stages, souvenir stores, and message house. Formerly, Kenjeran Beach is a very beautiful beach in the north Surabaya, but now the cleanliness in that beach begin to befouled because of the people around that beach did not keep that beach clean. In 1963 until 1965 the beach still clean because there was not village near there. The soil of Kenjeran is from mud. The level of water decrease reaching 2 kilometers. The tipping tidal wave of Kenjeran Beach is once per day, and its start from 8 am to 2/2.30 pm for 2 kilometers. The animals in there are jelly fish, reef, eel fish, and prawn. If the water is subsided the animal are only small crab and snail.

source by www.eastjava


Grahadi building is convention hall and the official resident of East Java Governor. See it’s a self remain as of the Dutch commissioner Dirk Van Hogendorp (1794-1798). Initially the front of Grahadi faced the river. During tea-hours in the afternoon, the occupants could see small vessels with passengers up and down the river. The small vessels used to transportation, they arrived and go by the small vessels. In 1802 the front side of building which originally faced the North, had changed into the South until the present time.

Located in Surabaya City, not far from Tunjungan Plaza shopping centre, precisely in Gubernur Suryo Street the tourist can meet a luxury building that has history during in the past. This building is known as Grahadi because in this building there is a meeting space, which called Grahadi. Grahadi come from Sanskrit dissyllabic "Graha" mean House and "Adi" mean high degree. Name of Grahadi means house that has high value or degree.
Though two centuries have elapsed but this building is still stand up steady and still in it original presentation. For the enthusiast and architecture admirer are surely interested with the typical architecture appearance namely architecture style of Dutch Indies government that dominated by straight lines, vertical and horizontal with aesthetic and well-balanced composition so that fair if this building is categorized in the monumental buildings form which maintained carefully.

This high-rise building have two mains building with 2016 m2 width, supporter building 4125,75 m2 and located in 16284 m2 width area. At first floor in the building is divided into some rooms for example sitting room, meeting space of East Java Government of First Level. Flagpole palm tree and green grass outspread in the yard add this increasingly view. Building which save many historic events can be visited by tourist but should ask a permission by sending notice to Superintendent of Public Bureau Household of EastBehind the building flow Kali Mas River that applied for water tourism by using boat follow the river current to enjoy some of Surabaya towns. This water tourism is opened generically start on Monday until Friday at 17.00-19.00 WIB, Saturday at 13.00-19.00 WIB, Sunday at 09.00-19.00 WIB. In the riparian of Kali Mas River, there is Taman Prestasi where children can play at while they have recreation. Achievement Garden is opened generically every day in the evening.
Java Secretary Government of first level in Pahlawan Street 110, SuThe Building Construction
Building which its age is more of two centuries course still seen sturdy because besides supported by the architecture style also supported by a real strong building construction. Wall, wide room wall and height, both in first floor and also in the second floor all had made from big ones red stone without concrete and cemented support, but seen strong and steady. The ventilation and draught in room with wooden door and windows, and big milk glass ones, make the room felt fresh and light in the daytime. Teak, except for cushion door and windows, is also utilized as component of main standard building boom level I and also as floor. All room is upstairs floor of thick teak wooden as supporting facilities for big logs in long measure utilize building boom. Doorstep that connecting the elementary floor with room of level I entirely made from teak material that is up this still original until now. This building is also equipped with open gallery with building frontage which its roof sustained by pillars in Romaine / State Building built in 1795. At that time the unique power (Gezaghebber) Dutch, Dirk Van Hogendorp (1794-1798) of his opinion that opening habitat in town under, near by Jembatan Merah, less position as according to him. He chooses a piece of land by the side of Kali Mas for built by a garden house which more representative. Area in Pemuda Street which formerly called Simpang, property of a Chinese that is initially reluctant deliver it to Van Hogendorp, but according to story he finally successfully forced smoothly with statement that the area will be kept for him. According to story, the owner only had given indignation of (25 cents). From word "kept" then borne word Simpang. Van Hogendorp built the building with expense of 14000 two-and-a-half rupiahs. But he enjoyed the habitat only about three years only. During his position, he sighs submitted to Central Government of Dutch Indies in Batavia (Jakarta), for example he is alleged to misuse power for the sake of person. That is why when performed reception of New Year on 1 January 1798, he catch and sent to Batavia. Dutch Governor General Daendels, which is known as 'Toean Besar Goentoer', improve the Grahadi, Building he wish to make the building as a palace. Beside that, is also built a bridge above Kali Mas, which now flow rear the building.
Greece architecture.
In the beginning, this building of course faced to Kali Mas, so that in the evening its dweller with have drinking tea they also can see boats tracing times. The boats also exploited as supporting facilities for transportation. They come and go by using boat to trace Kali Mas. In the next development is luxury building that also used for session place Raad van Justitie (High court), also used for party, reception and others. In 1802 Grahadi Building, which initially face to north is changed position become to face to south like present. It is crossed by it, there are garden which called Kroesen (Taman Simpang), what taken away from Resident JC. Thorium name Kroesen (1888-1896). Rear the garden there are Joko Dolog statue is coming from Singosari Empire, which now still standing steady. Since Indonesia independence the first East Java Governor who residing in Grahadi is RT. Soerjo (1946-1948), which his statue is, now seems to be crossed the building. Since governor Samadikoen (1949-1957) hitherto this building is made as the state building to receive guest, reception, and other meetings, while the Governor self is resided
The History of State Building

source by www.eastjava.


Port of Tanjung Perak is one of gateways of Indonesia, which becomes goods collector and distribution from and to Eastern Indonesia including East Java. Because of its strategic position and the existence of surrounding advantageous hinterlands, port of Tanjung Perak constitutes the center of inter island shipping for Eastern Indonesia.
Previously the oceangoing vessels did loading and unloading activities at Madura Strait and then freighted the cargoes by the means of barges and boats to Jembatan Merah (the first port in that time) situated along Kalimas River, at hSurabaya cityeart
Due to the increases of trade, cargo and transportation traffics, the facilities available at Port were inadequate. Therefore in 1875 Ir. W. de Jonght planned to build Port of Tanjung Perak so that the loading and unloading activities could be carried out directly without using barges and boats. Yet this plan was rejected since it needed a lot of funds.
During 19th century the port construction could not be found while cargo transport traffics settled in Jembatan Merah were sustained in their increase number. The plan of port construction is introduced by ir. W. de Jongth was neglected.

In the first ten years of 20th Ir. W.B. Van Goor made a more realistic plan, which was, all the oceangoing vessels might move closer to the quay (berthing). Two experts were expected to come from the Netherlands namely, Prof DR. Kraus and G.J. de jong and to give any proposals on port construction planning of Tanjung Perak Port.
After 1910 the physical construction of Tanjung Perak Port was initiated and during the accomplishment of port construction the demand of using incomplete –- built quay rose in number.

The finishing of quay construction facilitated the oceangoing vessels to do their loading and unloading activities at port. Port of Kalimas later functioned to be a port with providing service for traditional transport and sailing boats, in the meantime the port at Jembatan Merah was gradually abandoned.
Therefore, starting from that time Port of Tanjung Perak started to take part in contributing economic development in a quite large scale and to have important role in increasing trade traffic both at East Java and whole parts of Eastern Indonesia.
To support the task, the construction of inter island terminal was completed in 1983 known as Mirah Terminal. For the interests of inter island vessel passengers, there was a passenger terminal located at North of Jamrud area. Next to the passenger terminal, a fery terminal was built for the service of passengers with Surabaya –- Madura destination on 24 hours service.
Time was passing and Port of Tanjung Perak had showed its strategic role as national gateway port. Then a container terminal was planned to build and its physical construction was finished in 1992.
Container terminal is acknowledged as Terminal Petikemas Surabaya. Those various facilities put Port of Tanjung Perak in the movements of continuously supporting the development of Surabaya city and the territories around.

source by www.eastjava.


Mbah Bungkul Grave is resided in Progo Street and bent of Raya Darmo Street. According to GH Von Faber, that Bungkul funeral Complex had there since Hindu era. The Grave arch and fence are show Java Hindu architecture style at Majapahit era. In that area, there is a real altar that has sacred. Mortal remains ash of Kertanegara’s soldiers, who had die in war in 1270, is also put down on the ground. Around year of 1930, the Graves were resided far before Islam step into Java Island.

comBungkul Park is one of open green scope and pledge culture artifact. The existence of Bungkul Park that encircled by few trees and green grass that has green in the middle of the city, have big benefit, good for nature area and also social environment in vicinity. Open green scope (Ruang Terbuka Hijau - RTH) is the city lung which able to reduce air pollution and become rainwater diffuser.
Since Dutch colonial era, the existence of Bungkul Park defended by the government of town. The location of Bungkul Park that resides in the middle of Dutch real estate can be meant as a resFrom the consideration of history aspect of Bungkul Park, initially this garden has woke up because the existence of history figure such as; Cambodia Queen Mausoleum, Queen Campa, Tumenggung Jayengrono, and Ki Ageng Supo or Empu Supo. Last figure is public / religious figure during Majapahit empire (XV century), who also the parent in law of Raden Rahmat or Sunan Ampel (Kompass, 27/4/ 2002). Because of good relation with Ki Supo, Sunan Ampel efforts to propagated Islam become more success. Ki Supo get titled as Sunan Bungkul or Mbah Bungkul. Mbah Bungkul might be can categorize as local religious man, a historian concept of UGM historian, Sartono Kartodirdjo to call Islamizes figure local storey. His existence is parallel with Syeh Abdul Muhyi (Tasikmalaya), Sunan Geseng (Magelang), Sunan Tembayat (Klaten), Ki Ageng Gribig (Klaten), Sunan Panggung (Tegal), Sunan Prapen (Gresik), and other local religious man.
pect of the scorpion urban planning planners at that time. Affluence of Darmo area Boulevard does not cause the loss of the grave and Bungkul Park, even this green area has named Boengkoel Park.Precisely in west side if the Grave, there is a piece of open farm which commonly use for various event of Surabaya publics, like sport, artistry, campaign and others. The crowded around Mbah Bungkul grave area colored by the food and beverage merchants. Solvent few big trees are supplying the oxygen for the town and create calm situation around area.

Therefore, Bungkul Park is expected will be built become ideal city park. Where whosoever is freely enjoy the balmy and calm situation without permanent building. There's only fresh green grass where we can sit accompanied by pigeon bird, which fly away and chirp voice of various bird types.

source by www.eastjava.

Buddha monument

Simply, Surabaya city have one of tourism object that become a real spectacular in South-East Asia, Four Faces Deity Statue or Four Faced Buddha monument. This Four Faced Buddha Monument get appreciation of MURI as the biggest and highest Four Faces Deity Statue in Indonesia. A nine meters statue that have 225 square meters width is still have not contested by
Four Faced Buddha monument, has overall height 36 meters (including dome) opened on 9 Novembers 2004, and finish about fund 4 billion rupiahs. It is built in farm with a width of 1,5 hectares, in centered is farm, placed by building with length 9 meters, wide 9 meters and height 36 meters. If we saw altogether contain number 9, why it's numeral 9? Because taking similar monument reference in Thailand, and numeral 9 also have separate meaning for Buddha member.

The statue building the Four Faced Buddha place shaded, encircled by 4 pillars that colored by golden green, contains of 3 parts, which is statue, Buddha statue, and Buddha throne. It has been equipped with lightning rod at top of the statue, while statue Buddha and the throSee this building model, of course almost looks like Four Faced Buddha Monument in Thailand, the difference only the statue that in the higher Thailand statue but its statue building is higher then in Surabaya. Besides resemblance of a real big measure, the statue that have four faces and four hand tides, arranged in layers by gold in all it body part. It is said to make a perfect veneering process of this gold, is intentionally delivered kampoh material or original gold paper from Thailand (there is also mentioned kimpo paper). Complete with it worker, with veneering expense or ritual giving of this chasuble is reach 1,5 Billion rupiahs.ne has each 9 meters height.About Four Faced Buddha statue meaning or also there is mentioning it Four Faced Deity, bring four kindness philosophy that owned by Buddha, that is patience, liberal, fair (unbiased), and meditated. This four kindness is also had a meaning of, Buddha is a presentation of affection of fellow being, assist whoever without discrimination, and devoted in prayer or application that submitted in ritual procession. While on Buddha eight hands, there are holy book, holy water, defense weapon, fight weapon to against the badness, holy book, prayer beads, chest, and cupu.

Besides the philosophy, this place also offer idea to become the centre of Buddha member observance, finite later would many visitors coming to this place. Besides to see the four faced deity statue, in this place, we will see four high white elephant statues about 4 meters in every corner, three lotus decorative pools, and a meditated space. This complex is also decorated of 12 lamps that made from bronze and copper.
In it frontage, we meet a place that sell some pray equipment like candle and frankincense, this place later the also can buy the souvenir typical of Buddha four faces statue.

How about you, do wish to make this tourism object as your tourism purpose? Or may like to think about have photograph with Four Faced Buddha Monument background, as if stay in Thailand, or possible you wish to pray... all up to you, because this place is open generically, and admission charge free, only fare payee stepped into Ria Kenjeran Beach area.

source by www.eastjava.com

Surabaya Al-Akbar Mosque:

Be the biggest mosque in Surabaya with modern and unique architecture style; reside in south Surabaya region Pagesangan close to turnpike Surabaya-Gempol. A real Luxury mosque building and respect had become the religion centre of activities for Islam believer in Surabaya. The strategic situation earned easily gone through from various areas outside Surabaya. This mosque is more knowledgeable as The Great Surabaya Mosque.

Al-Akbar Mosque Surabaya stand on a width of 11,2 hectares land, broadly building 28509 square meters. Unique impression from this building lay in unique mosque dome design like lamellar structure with combination of blue and green color, giving cold impression and fresh. It has a main building and two direct penetrative from other buildings to main building. It also had built a tower equipped with a lift that opened for the public. From this tower we can be enjoyed the view of Surabaya city that real beautiful, especially in nighttime with many town lamps from the physical plant in Surabaya. This mosque is opened on 10 November 2000 by president RI which taken hold of by Abdul Rachman Wachid.
At Sunday morning there are a small market that very crowded to visited.


Bratang Floral Market Tourism and Fauna

Initially, Flower Market Bratang in a piece of farm form, which is the alternative of choice of five-flower merchant that coming from Kayun/Kayoon Flower Market. They must move because their reason is less the farm broadness. Grow since year 1990-an across every alley with floor paving block as wide as less than 1 meter. The typical aroma of some flower is smell by the friendliness smiling of the flower merchants. It is for 2400 m2 farm precise in west side of Bratang Market, the merchants arrange interest ornamental plant and also leaf elegantly, clean and respected. More than 200 stands that owned by 65 merchants of vary size but generally fairish 3x4 meter.
Usually in the weekend, Saturday and Sunday car parking in Bratang market yard which now change its name become Bratang Floral Market Tourism and Fauna has align.
Now that flower market has been regular, its hygiene is still awake. It is really in pleasure just for who reside there, because as far as we look into it’s only seen the leaf green and variegation of flowers. The service and the friendly is the typical of Bratang Flower Market. The comfortable of buyer is a real main thing that paid attention by the merchants. It is expected that the visitors are feel balmy and happy during they stay there.Bratang Flower Market opens during 24 hours one day, although some merchants something has been closing. This location is very strategic market place because it resides near to the city transport of Bratang terminal. In the north side there is Nursery and Manyar Megah Indah Shops as commercial area. The goods transportation owner like Mitsubishi L-300 pick-up that rented also had resided in this market.

source by www.eastjava.com

Monument of Bambu Runcing

It is built to Panglima Sudirman Street, which is the main road with solid traffic. Bambo Runcing is Surabaya city icon besides the Heroes Monument. Tourist with small and big vehicle can park around the park eastside the road. In edge of Embong Ploso Street become the meeting there is garden that is enough calm so that many exploited by the motorcyclists for take a rest for a moment release fatigue.

Monument of Bambo Runcing is built in memorize of Surabaya People (arek-arek Suroboyo) spirit martially fight against colonist with patch up weapon although only with a slice bamboo which its back part is tapered. Date of 10 Novembers 1945 is struggle bollard of Indonesia People causing specified as Heroes Day.

This monument consisted of 5 pillars and its high concrete pillar not uniform; it is formed to look like sharp-pointed bamboo. The height of highest sharp-pointed bamboo is estimated some meters. At the time of certain, water pump is implemented so that water will go out from each bamboo hole. Various colorful ornamental plants encircle this monument so that seen calm and fresh.
After completed visiting Bambu Runcing monument, the tourist can continuing to Zoo Surabaya, besides see the collection of animal it is also place which suited for releasing fatigue because it has shaded by big trees. Or for continuing planning tourist event of expense hence Tunjungan Plaza and Surabaya Plaza is shopping mall closest and complete because it calm and has many counters and products that have market immeasurable.

Kayoon Street as the center sale of ornamental plant either leaf and also flower is place of making a correct trip alternative for somebody who has some hobbies especially mothers and the girls. Start orchid until aglaonema is arranged nattily disturb the eye to near.


Monkasel (The Submarine Monument

The sub marine monument is located in the bank of Kalimas River, on the east corner of Surabaya Plaza. A real Russian submarine in the Indonesia's Navy Armada (1952). There are also a lot of facilities around the submarine like Swarga Park, Water Tour, Stage, Monument videorama, Restaurant, Art Shop etc.


Kawah Ijen (Ijen Crater)

Kawah Ijen is the world's largest highly acidic lake and is the site of a labor-intensive sulfur mining operation in which sulfur-laden baskets are hand-carried from the crater floor. Coffee plantations cover much of the Ijen caldera floor, and tourists are drawn to its waterfalls, hot springs, and dramatic volcanic scenery.

source by www.eastjava.com

Rafting in East-Java

Excellent trip to East Java : Rafting activity at Pekalen river with Adventure Trip Route, start from pPesawahan and finish at Condong Songa Base Camp, 11,5 km. Enjoy your adventure with your family

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2007

North sumatera

A Touch of Nature from North to South

If you love nature, Sumatra is the place. Starting from Aceh, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, one of the largest national parks in the world. The park is the home for the orangutan, gibbons, monkeys, tigers, elephants and the sumatran rhinoceros. Bukit Lawang is one of the popular place for tourist to see rehabilitation of orangutans.

When entering North Sumatra, you can visit the Great Bukit Barisan Forest Park with the zoological museum in the Karo highlands, 59 km from Medan. Enjoy the gazebo with an exquisite Karo ornament designs on top of the roof. Danau Toba is the famous lake at the heart of the Batak people. This is the largest lake in Southeast Asia and is one of the deepest lake in the world (450 meters). In the middle of Lake Toba, is Samosir Island, the original home of the Batak Toba.

Before reaching the lake, you will pass through Parapat which is the main tourist resort. For surfer lover, do not miss the Nias Island, it is heaven to ride your surfboard. Nias Island is part of West Sumatra province also have an interesting performance called Lompat Batu a traditional thrilling high jump ritual over a stone object about 2 meters. Two hours driving from Padang, you will meet the Bukittinggi highlands which is surrounded by three volcanoes: Tandikat, Singgalang and Merapi.

Beautiful coral reefs are found on the offshore near the Mentawai Islands. The Mentawai people are one of the indigenous ethnic group which live in comparative isolation. Gua Ngalau Indah is a deep cave cover with bats all over. You would not able to see it, but would hear and sense as they fly close over.

Continue your journey to Lampung and go to the Taman Nasional Way Kambas, the place of the big elephants. Several elephants are trained to carry visitors and do simple tasks, with the hope that people will see them as useful and valuable.

At South Sumatra, you can walk through in the natural pine forest called Punti Kayu and experience the fresh pine tree scents.

More exciting places to be explored

The more you explore the island, the more interesting experience you will get. Minangkabau culture (West Sumatra) is the largest matrilineal society in the world. According to the local tradition, the Minangkabau derive their name from a victory in an ancient fight between the Sumatran and Javanese water buffalo over land ownership. Traditionally, the Minangkabau people live in multi-family longhouse named Rumah Gadang.

Step into the Pugung Archeological Site, from the megalith, pre- historic and classical Hindu Buddhist period. The site is located in the Pugung Raharjo village, 40 km from Bandar Lampung. In this area, a museum also has been build with the collection of stone inscriptions, ancient Chinese porcelains, Polynesian statues and the statue of Bodhisatwa.

One of the most popular handicrafts in Sumatra is the traditional hand woven cloth. In North Sumatra, they call it Ulos. Ulos Ragi Hotang a type of ceremonial mantle worn to announce the birth of a boy or used at wedding ceremonies. Songket from Minangkabau, a sarong or shawls woven in bold color silk combined with artificial gold thread. The motive is usually in geometric shapes. In Lampung, they make Tapis sarong, a woven cloth with embroidered gold couchwork.

Lompat Batu, a traditional high jump ritual

Before reaching the lake, you will pass through Parapat which is the main tourist resort. For surfer lover, do not miss the Nias Island, it is heaven to ride your surfboard. Nias Island is part of West Sumatra province also have an interesting performance called Lompat Batu a traditional thrilling high jump ritual over a stone object about 2 meters. Two hours driving from Padang, you will meet the Bukittinggi highlands which is surrounded by three volcanoes: Tandikat, Singgalang and Merapi.

Beautiful coral reefs are found on the offshore near the Mentawai Islands. The Mentawai people are one of the indigenous ethnic group which live in comparative isolation. Gua Ngalau Indah is a deep cave cover with bats all over. You would not able to see it, but would hear and sense as they fly close over.

Continue your journey to Lampung and go to the Taman Nasional Way Kambas, the place of the big elephants. Several elephants are trained to carry visitors and do simple tasks, with the hope that people will see them as useful and valuable.

At South Sumatra, you can walk through in the natural pine forest called Punti Kayu and experience the fresh pine tree scents.

source by www.kbrilk.org/tourism/sumatera

Danau toba

Danau Toba is the largest lake in all of Southeast Asia. The giant lake sits at an altitude of 800 meters, and is 100 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide. The lake is situated in the caldera of the huge Toba volcano which erupted approximately 75,000 years ago. The eruption of Toba was one of the most massive eruptions ever on Earth. Many scientists believe that this eruption triggered the last ice age. The eruption probably lasted two weeks until finally the volcano collapsed and formed the caldera which is now Danau Toba. The bottom of the volcano rose and formed the island of Samosir which is beautifully situated in the middle of the blue waters of Toba.

source by en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Toba


Kedah has the distinction of being the "Rice-bowl of Malaysia" - a term that takes on aesthetic significance when one sees the rice fields for themselves: the flat expanse of padis against a backdrop of rolling hills provides a picture of utter serenity that lulls the senses.

Off Kedah's western shores are clusters of sun-drenched islands that comprise the legendary archipelago of Langkawi, easily the most popular resort location in the country. More than a land of mere scenery, however, Kedah is also the site of Malaysia's most extensive ruins. In the Bujang Valley are the sprawling remains of a Hindu kingdom believed to date back to the 6th century A.D.

Like Malaysia's other states, Kedah has its share of rich cultural traditions, songs and dances. Due to its close proximity to Thailand, some of these traditions are Thai in influence and origin, and faces of Kehah's people often bear signs of Thai or Achinese ancestry.

source by www.geographia.com/malaysia/place


More than any other spot in the country, Kuala Lumpur, or "KL" as it is commonly known, is the focal point of new Malaysia. While the city's past is still present in the evocative British colonial buildings of the Dataran Merdeka and the midnight lamps of the Petaling Street nightmarket, that past is everywhere met with insistent reminders of KL's present and future. The city's bustling streets, its shining, modern office towers, and its cosmopolitan air project an unbounded spirit of progress and symbolize Malaysia's unhesitating leap into the future. To some, this spirit seems to have been gained at the loss of ancient cultural traditions, but in many ways KL marks the continuation rather than the loss of Malaysia's rich past. Like Malacca five hundred years before, KL's commercial centre is a grand meeting place for merchants and travelers from all over the world.

In the same way, the city brings together Malaysia's past and present, its many constituent cultures, and even its remarkable natural treasures, allowing first-time visitors an invaluable opportunity to see Malaysia as a whole before setting off to explore its parts. In the botanical and bird parks of the Lake Gardens one is treated to a first glimpse of the unsurpassed beauty and variety of Malaysia's plants and animals. In the vibrant Central Market, music, crafts, and cultural practices from Kelantan to Sarawak can be explored and experienced. And in the National Museum, the dizzying multiplicity of Malaysia's cultural history comes into focus. As the entry point for most visitors and the meeting point of the country's many attractions, Kuala Lumpur is a grand gateway to a fascinating destination.

Petronas Towers

Kuala Lumpur in the morning. Petronas Towers at night

With a height of 1,453 feet, one of the world's tallest buildings rise above the skyline of Kuala Lumpur. They are called the Petronas Towers, and, inevitably, they have become the symbols for the astounding growth that has taken place in Malaysia over the last two decades.


Kuala Lumpur is situated midway along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, at the confluence of the Klang and Gombek rivers. It is approximately 35 km from the coast and sits at the centre of the Peninsula's extensive and modern transportation network. Kuala Lumpur is easily the largest city in the nation, possessing a population of over one and a half million people drawn from all of Malaysia's many ethnic group



Ponorogo is located southwest of Surabaya at a distance of 200 km. A bigger town closest to it is Madiun, which lies on the main highway between Surabaya and points west of it in Central Java. So, out of Madiun it would be a side trip to Ponorogo, if we care to see the Festival Reog, held here on the 17th of August each year, highlighting the area's traditional drama and dance. Otherwise you may want to visit Ngebel Lake nearby, whereas batiks and basketry of this region are also well known.

source bt www.indonesia-tourism.com


Bojonegoro is a small town and regency in East Java, Indonesia. It is located about 100 km west of Surabaya. Bojonegoro regency has an area of 934 km (230.706 acres), with a population of 1,156,652 (based on a census in 2000). The eastern border of Bojonegoro is Lamongan Regency, in the north is Tuban while in the south is Madiun, Nganjuk and Jombang. To the west in the west are Ngawi and Blora, in Central Java. The town was founded 20 October 1677 with Mas Toemapel as the first regent. Bojonegoro is famous for tobacco and hardwood tree (jati) production.

source bt www.indonesia-tourism.com


Town Blitar is one of area in East Java province region which geographically located tip of East Java South with height of 156 M from sea surface, at co-ordinate of 112 28" BujurTimur den 8 10" Transversal of South, have cold enough air temperature of average of 24 C 34 C because Town Blitar reside in Mount foot/feet Kelud and distance of 169 Km south-east direction from Provincial Capital Surabaya.

Broadly regional 32.578 Km, amount of residents of 123.194 soul which divided in 3 ( three) regional of district and 20 ( twenty) Sub-district with average of density of 3,782 soul every Km Persegi.

Town Blitar have Sesanti" KRIDDHO HANGUDI JAYA" ( Strive For memncapai feather in one's cap) with Motto" BLITAR KOTA PATRIA" ( Blitar Pembela Tanah Air Natty tip, Respect and Peaceful), also recognized by cupula as warrior town, Student town, and Peaceful town of town is Peaceful. In The Effort developing climate which kondusif as Town Patria which supported by system of commerce of pre-eminent service and goods, Governmental of Town Blitar have tourism sector as primadona for growing economy area

source bt www.indonesia-tourism.com


Bondowoso is known as a town of retired people. It is 225 meters above the sea. The greatest activity occurs when the bullfight season arrives. Remains from a megalithic period are found in the center of the town, on the slope of Besar Hill. There is a stone sarcophagus, stone statues and a stone chair.

source bt www.indonesia-tourism.com

Batu City

Batu has the mountain resort much like Bedugul of Bali. Batu city is located in 800 meters above sea level, with cold temperature 17-25,6 degree of Celsius, it do not make the public realize about the nature potency. The potency can see from the agro product properties, fruit, and vegetable, and mountain panorama and hilly. Batu has explored its effort to show its tourism nature potency. The alternative that had done is warm pool Cangar, have corrected and renovated.

Jatim (East Java) Park
East Java Park may have said as tourism object that different in East Java province, because besides offering to tourist to have recreation and for learnt, because we will get new knowledge besides entertainment amusement. This thing can be seen from various facilities being provided by East Java Park, there are at least 36 kinds of facilities which able to be enjoyed visitor. Before enjoying all supporting facilities for entertainment amusement, at the time of beginning of location admission will give scenery of 'Galeri Nusantara'. Then stepped into 'Taman Sejarah' is a containing miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple (Singosari- Malang regency), customhouse Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.

source bt www.indonesia-tourism.com


Banyuwangi constitutes an eastest regency of East Java. In the north part, Situbondo regency is situated. Jember and Bondowoso regencies are the neighbor regencies in the West part. In the East part, Bali is stretched, while in the South part, the Indonesian Ocean is located. Banyuwangi is situated in the coordinate between 70 45’ 15” of South Latitude and 113’ 38.2” of East Longitude. Because of this position, Banyuwangi has various natural scenery, richness of art and culture, customs and traditions.

The beauty of nature is spread out Banyuwangi, from west part to east. Mountains, forest and beaches sculpt the Land Mark of each region. For instance; Ijen Creater, in the west part of Banyuwangi is famous for its beautiful creater lake, traditional sulfur miners who amazingly climb up and down the slope of Mount Merapi, the plantations the hampers the slope where the Ijen Creater crowned. In the National Park of Meru Betiri with its Java Tiger, the turtles, that sign the land of Banyuwangi. The places constitutes the center of Tourism Developed area which is called Diamond Triangle, which connect among one Tourism Object to others
Banyuwangi also has the various art and culture, custom and tradition. One of the typical arts of Banyuwangi is Gandrung a welcomingdance for distinguised guests. The dance is typical, then becomes a Tourism Mascot of Banyuwangi. Beside Gandrung, Seblang, Kuntulan, Damarwulan, angklung, Ketoprak, Barong, Kendang Kempul, Jaranan and so on, constitute typical arts that can be seen here, a typical custom and tradition such as sea offering, metik (celebration before paddy and coffe harvesting), Rebo Wekasan, Kebo visit Banyuwangi the Real Tropical Country keboan, ruwatan, tumplek punjen, gredoan, endog-endogan, etc. performed every year and package in the Calender of Events of Banyuwangi.

The typical handicraft and traditional food as the product of home industries are spread out of Banyuwangi. The products and places that should be visited are batik tulis at Temenggungan and Tempo, Bamboo handicraft at Kecamatan Rogojampi and Kalipuro, ets. Banyuwangi also has typical food products; such as bagiak, selai pisang (banana jam) etc.

There are some local ethnics that live in Banyuwangi. Using is actually as the native of Banyuwanginese. They have their own languange constitute the mixing language of Javanese and Balinese. Javanese is the people of Banyuwangi. Besides, Madurese, Balinese and Banjar also it Banyuwangi.

The various natural sceneries, the rich art and culture and customs and traditions, contitute the worthy treasures that must be taken are introduced to all people, so that they can support the life of the people and also the government, especially to increase income of the people and the local goverment. The income is the capital to develop Banyuwangi especially in the tourism sector that must be risen nationally and internationally.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.co

Semeru Volcano, East Java

Volcano in East Java is one of the most beautiful volcanoes in the world: high, steep-sided and symmetric. This amazing photo was supplied by Yosef Suharna of the Merapi Volcano Observatory, Indonesia.

Bromo mountain

The most popular and well known of East Java's tourist attractions is undoubtedly Bromo Mountain.
The pre-dawn departure and trek across the mountain's famous 'sand sea',
to watch the sunrise at the crater rim, has become something of a ritual, enacted daily by people of every nationality

east java

<The wide of East Java area is 47,921 sq km. Two thirds of the area is mountainous with approximately 48 mountains. The highest peak, Mount Semeru is the highest in Java. The Brantas (314 km) and Bengawan Solo (540 km) are the two big rivers. This area is located between 5o 37' and 8o 48' South Latitude and between 110o 54' and 115o 57' East Longitude. East Java is bordered by:
North side: Java Sea
South side: Indian Ocean
West Side: Central Java Province
East side: Bali Strait

east java

East Java is one of the Republic of Indonesia's 27 provinces, occupying an area of some 48,000 km2 just south of the equator. Including the island of Madura, it accounts for a little more than a third of Java's total land surface and supports a population of almost 33,000,000 inhabitants. To the east, across a narrow strait, lies the island of Bali; to the west are the provinces of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Senin, 06 Agustus 2007


Merging into the north of Seminyak, Kerobokan is an enchanting place with beautiful contrasts. On one side, the wild surf crashes onto the golden sand beach and the towering coconut trees disappear into the mist. Inland, another world exists with rice paddies, the odd cow and well-weathered farmers.
Kerobokan is a perfect place to reflect on life, go for long works along the beach in the cool of the morning and just relax around the hotel.
Kerobokan is home to some of the finest restaurants in Bali, including the open-air La Lucciola, which serves Italian cuisine in a beachfront location and the newly opened fine-dining Ku de Ta. Bookings are pretty much essential at both of these restaurants. If dinner at Ku de Ta is outside your budget, a divine breakfast in a divine setting is all yours for about ten kiwi dollars.
There's not much in the way of shops, but a short drive will take you to Seminyak,
and Kuta where you can shop til you drop.
There are some deluxe hotels here, namely The Legian and The Oberoi, which offer exceptional standards in accommodation and service. Good value hotels are available of varying standard and size, most of them beachfront too.

Jimbaran Bay

Jimbaran Bay is probably the nicest bay in Bali, with calm blue waters and a beautiful beach. The bay is located just south of the airport and planes can be seen flying in and out, although oddly enough, I don't recall hearing any. There's not much in the way of facilities for tourists outside the few hotels here, except for the seafood restaurants that open up at night on the beach selling the most delicious BBQ'd seafood you could possible imagine. Even if you're not staying in Jimbaran Bay, make sure you head down here for dinner one night. It's fairly basic, usually plastic chairs and tables out in the sand, but the setting is perfect, especially at sunset and it's one of my Bali highlights. I recommend Sharkey's Restaurant, one of the most popular seafood restaurants in Bali.
Jimbaran Bay caters to the upper end of the tourist market and some of Bali's most luxurious resorts can be found here.

source by www.bali.co.nz


Denpasar is the capital of Bali. For the average tourist, there's really no reason to come to this neck of the woods. It’s an industrial city, busy and relatively crowded. It does have it's interesting places like the Bali Provincial State Museum with a collection of interesting Indonesian artefacts, dance costumes and traditional weavings to name just a few. Denpasar can be a good place to shop if you're looking for things that aren't in the normal range of things sold to tourists - and prices can be cheap. Perhaps the best bookstore in Bali is in Denpasar too, the Gramedia. There's an animal market, selling various animals to buy as pets. Also there's the main market, although I haven't been there since it burnt down in the late 90's. If it's still the same, it's very interesting. Make sure you have a strong stomach, take a camera and be prepared for some pretty gory sights and smells

source by www.bali.co.nz

Candi Dasa

Not too many people make it up to Candi Dasa. You could argue that that’s quite a shame cause so many people are missing out on such a slow paced tropical hideaway. Or you could say that because not many people get there, it remains a tropical hideaway. I've stayed there 3 times, at different resorts and I do enjoy my time up there. Granted, I didn't do much more than sunbathe, read a book, wander through the few shops that are there and wile away a sunny afternoon at the Legend Rock Café, but that's what holidays are all about - relaxing
Candi Dasa (pronounced Chandi Dasa, although Candi does sound sweet and appealing) got on the tourist map of Bali back in the 1970's as a good dive and snorkelling spot. Unfortunately, the popularity of the place made people want to build hotels. And build hotels they did - but mined the reef away to use for building materials. So now, the beach is gone and so is the reef. But it's still nice looking out to the ocean.
Snorkelling and diving are still options around Candi Dasa. You'll find some reputable dive shops there that can take you further a field to some better locations. Gili Tepekong an island visible from Candi Dasa is probably the closest reasonable dive spot.
Candi Dasa is also a good place to base yourself if you're planning to explore North
East Bali.
As a general rule, tourists stay one or two nights here and the rest of their time at one of the main beach areas Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua etc) or continue travelling around exploring Bali with stops in Lovina and Ubud. Up to you though!

source by www.bali.co.nz

What's So Amazing About Bali

Why is it that so many people end up going back there time after time?
Well, I guess if you asked them, you'd get a whole variety of answers, but it is a special place and I'll run through some of the reasons why I love it and have been back there over 20 times and why I can't wait to get back there again.
The Swimming Pools… There's something indulgent about lounging around a lagoon shaped swimming pool, or sitting at the sunken pool bar with a cool breeze blowing through the coconut palms and the sun shining on a hot balmy afternoon.
The Culture… The Balinese have a colourful culture. They're friendly people with lovely smiles who like to live a life of peace and harmony. Their ceremonies, music and art are unique to Bali. You won't find a more interesting place!
The Scenery… Out of this world! From terraced rice paddies to the sandy palm-fringed beach disappearing off into the ocean mist. So many photo opportunities.
The Heat… I love the tropical climate and when I'm up there, knowing it's winter and cold and raining back in New Zealand, it's priceless.
The Shopping… Bali's such a great place for shopping and eating. Even an average kiwi can holiday like a king over there. Tailor made leather jackets, clothes, wooden carvings and just about everything locally made is dirt cheap compared to New Zealand prices.
The Beaches… Even in the hottest days in New Zealand, it's still nippy getting in. Over there it's not.
The Smells… Maybe it's the sweet aroma of Gudang Garam clove cigarettes or the frangipani fragrance that fills the air or the smell of incense sticks burning as an offering to their gods. I don't know what it is, but it's definitely Bali and its exotic composition gets me every timeThe Hotels… The infinity edged pools, the thatch roof bungalows and the extensive use of sand stone make some of Bali's top end resorts some of the best in the world and I love staying there or just having a look at an architectural work of art.
The Food… I can eat the most delicious cuisine from all over the world in the finest of restaurants for a fraction of the price that it is in New Zealand. Fresh fruit is cheap - a chance to indulge in paw paw, mango, pineapple and fresh coconut milk.
And I could go on. For some, it's the Kuta atmosphere and nightlife. For surfers, it's the waves. For golfers, the perfectly manicured golf courses.

source by www.bali.co.nz

Gajah Mungkur Dam

This Gigantic picturesque dam is located about 3 km from the town of Wonogiri. The water supply of the dam is from Bengawan Solo River, the longest river in Java. Its construction was in 1975 until 1981. The lake of the dam covers an area of 8.800 ha and has capacity to irrigate 23.600 ha of rice fields in the regencies of Klaten, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen. It supplies the drinking water for Wonogiri and electrical turbine with capacity of 12,4 M.W. This is also a beautiful place for water recreation. There is a pier for boots to take people around the lake and also available facilities for water skiing, fishing and floating restaurant. The hand-gliding sport can be enjoyed here.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com/central-java

There, we can find Sendang recreation park that located at the bank of Gajah Mungkur dam, about 6 km from the town center of Wonogiri town to the South. The visitor can enjoy boating, fishing, water skiing, swimming or engage in hang gliding sport which starts from a hill near the dam.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Pasar Klewer (Klewer Market

Off the west gate of Karaton's North Square, this old market selling all kinds of fabrics, predominantly batik. Other traditional fabrics are lurik (hand-woven striped cotton cloth) and tenun ikat. There are hundreds of shops jammed along narrow passageways. The visitors must be prepared to bargain. Batik cloths and garments, hand-woven fabrics, traditional and local jewelry, leather puppets, basketry, tortoise-shell accessories, trinkets, brassware and other decorative items, and all kinds of antiques are local specialties. Souvenir and art objects are available in all major towns of Central Java, mostly in the downtown areas and popular market places or shopping centers.

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Simpang Lima

Simpang Lima (means "five intersection") is a vast field at the heart of Semarang. At night, we can eat, drink or just bring our self-wandering around Simpang Lima. There are plenty of food stalls offering variety of Indonesian and Javanese food. The price is cheap, sometimes very cheap. It is a square with many shops and cinemas around. In the evening a lot of people are here taking a walk or window-shopping. Early in the morning, people are jogging along the street.

Simpang Lima, the downtown of Semarang area, is probably the best place to stay if we want to enjoy the hustle bustle of the town life. However, if we are looking for tranquility, the hotels around Sisingamangaraja Street, the upscale neighborhood in the hills of Semarang is probably better.

sopurce by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Cipendok Waterfall

Cipendok waterfall is located at a plateau in Banyumas region and officially made open for public in February 27, 1986 by the Banyumas Regent, R.G Roydjito. Go north of Cipendok, lies the largest mountain forest in Java. To be able to reach the bottom of Cipendok Waterfall we must walk some steps down. In the stream at the feet of the waterfall, there is a group of black, monstrous stones soaked by the heavy water. Cipendok Waterfall is a perfect site for those who seek solace or quiet surrounding for meditation.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Curug Semawur Waterfall

Curug Semawur, located at Blumah Village in Plantungan district, Kendal, Central Java is about 33km from Semarang. The journey to the waterfall can be a memorable experience as visitors would witness lines of wooden-house of the villagers, in addition to encounters a bunch monkeys along the way. Endless streams of waterfall heavily even in the driest season of the year, not to mention its unusual height, which could reach up to tens of meters. It has legend that the waterfall actually consists of seven levels and very few people have been able to climb up its peak

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar cave is located about 49 km west of Kebumen, or 20 km from Gombong. It is the most interesting cave in Central Java with its stalactite and stalagmite. Inside the cave, there is Kamandaka statue, which has its own legend. The legend inside the cave describing about the legend of Raden Kamandaka or lutung kasarung legend, which this story is represented by statues inside of cave. It is believe that water from water source inside cave can make some one well preserved. The length of this cave is about 250 meters. To reach the location there is available transportation such as angkot (a small bus), and also some representative hotels and restaurants. The name of Jatijajar is come when there were two of twin jati trees growths in mouth of cave in the first time founded. The cave complex is equipped by Dinosaurs statue discharges water from his mouth, whereas water comes from sources inside cave every day. There are also another beautiful cave in the area of Jatijajar cave, such as, Intan Cave and Dempok cave completed by a pleasure park Also there is park available, with the name Taman Kera as many of monkey statues in there. Inside mouth of cave there are many stalactites and stalagmites, a natural process since thousands years ago.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com


Sangiran is located 15 km from Surakarta. It is a village located 17 Km north of Solo, on the road to Purwodadi. It is an important place for Pithecanthropus Erectus, the pre-historic Java man. It is fossilized land of prehistoric living things. The Pleistocene Museum keeps some skills of the erectus, fossils of plants and animals. Sangiran and other places such as Wajak (near Tulungangung) and Trinil (near Ngawi) are significant places for human evolution/theory. It is interesting place for scientific tourism in the field of geology, anthropology and archeology. Many experts came to this site to do some research and study among other; Van Es (1939), Duyfyes (1936), Van Bemmelen (1937), Van Koeningswald (1938), Sartono (1960), Suradi (1962) and Otto Sudarmaji (1976). Van Koeningswald said that more than five different types of hominoid fossils have been found in Sangiran, it was incredible. There is no other place in the world like Sangiran. The Sangiran fossils are very various, they were earth as well as sea fossils. There was a possibility that island of Java was erected from the bottom of sea million years ago.

sourxce by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Ambarawa Railway Museum

Ambarawa is famous nationwide by the credo Palagan Ambarawa. Small city that forgotten nowadays but became one of the important base camp of National heroes during Dutch occupancy in World War II. A small city in the junction of national road between Yogyakarta to Semarang and accessible to several small cities nearby like Salatiga, Magelang and Bandungan. Fifty km south of Semarang, Ambarawa has locomotives of various types and ages, and it is still possible to ride on a cog railway between Ambarawa and Bedono, a village nearby. Ambarawa Railway Museum 50 km south of Semarang, Ambarawa is the home of Java's antique locomotives, housed in a museum. Prior arrangements should be made for groups. Also of interest are a collection of antique telephones and other instrument used for railway communication.

The museum was established in the 1970s primarily to preserve a wide selection of the steam locomotives, which were then coming to the end of their useful lives on the 3ft 6in (1067mm) gauge railways of the Indonesian State Railway (the Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api, PNKA). These are parked in the open air next to the original station, originally a transhipment point between the 4ft 8 in gauge branch from Kedungjati to the northeast and the 3ft 6in gauge line onward towards Yogyakarta via Magelang to the south. It is still possible to see that the two sides of the station were built to accommodate different size trains. Ambarawa lays some way above sea level and was an administrative centre for the Dutch colonialists. Now the provincial Government of Central Java is increasingly taking an interest from the point of view of its heritage significance and its potential as a tourist attraction. Non-Governmental bodies like the Semarang Heritage Society are also acting to assist and there is also an unofficial overseas group 'The Friends of Ambarawa Railway Museum'.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Pengging Palace

Pengging Palace, in Boyolali city 1.5km from Solo-Semarang highway, three has bathing pools whose water remains fresh and so clear despite having been visited many times. Located 10 km west of Solo Airport in Banyudono district. Moreover, the spring water never runs dry even at the driest season of the year. It is believed that the bathing pools were specially designed for kings of Pengging Kingdom. At the back of the compound lies a fishing pond where visitors can fish and grill their catch right away. There are several springs here; the one called Umbul Pengging has been built as a recreational park. The graveyard of Yosodipuro, one of the famous poets of Kraton Surakarta, which attracts some pilgrims, is also in this village. The spring nearby the mosque of the graveyard is considered of having holy water. Pengging is also a place with magical value. Some believe it was the site of Ki Ageng Pengging or Adipati/Viceroy Handayaningrat at the end period of Majapahit Kingdom. He was the grand father of Sultan Hadiwijoyo of Pajang Kingdom. Thus all the kings / rulers of Mataram, Yogya and Solo palaces are direct descendants of Pengging.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Sukuh Temple

Sukuh temple is located in Berjo Village, Argoyoso district, in the slope of mount Lawu 35 Km east of Solo at a height about 910 m above sea level. The temple stretches from the east to the west with the main gate in the west. Sukuh Temple is decorated with wayang stone carvings of Hindu origin, the only erotic temple in Java. The stepped pyramid is like the ones in South America of the Maya culture. The temples are distinctive compared with other ancient temples in Central Java such as Borobudur and Prambanan, and its uniqueness lies in the landscaping, statuettes, and relief. The temples occupy an 11,000m2 area and consist of three terraces, each connected with an ascending alley. The most influential part is the last terrace, at the very back of the compound. At this very sacred area, once erected a homogenous phallic statue, which is now displayed at the National Museum, Jakarta. Another interesting and controversial factor of this historical site is the artistic relief on its floor, which depict male and female organs symbolizing the birth of life. This kind of construction is common in prehistoric time, especially in the megalithic era of pundan berundak (terrace grave). The temple consist of three terraces, the first terrace is the lowest level, followed by the second and the third above it. The terrace are connected with stairs to each other, each of it has an entrance gate. The temple has believed to be constructed in the 15th century during the declining years of Majapahit Empire. The relief found beside the first gate are believed had mean (sengkalan) reads Gapura Buta Aban Wong and Gapura Buta Anahut Bubut, meaning the year of 1359 saka or 1437 AD.

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Bandungan and Gedong Songo Temple

This is a resort on the slope of mount Ungaran, about 900 meters above sea level. Gedong Songo (nine buildings), a group of small 8th century Hindu Javanese temples, can be reached either by car or on horseback from the town. Built at about the same time as the temples of the Dieng complex, Gedong Songo is one of the most beautifully sited temple complexes in Central Java and the views alone are worth the trip. Gedung Songo ('Nine Buildings') belong to the earliest antiquities of Java, they follow up the temples on the Dieng Plateau directly, for what about time. They were also built high in the mountains in an area full with volcanic activity; and they were also from Hinduist origin. But where the temples on Dieng Plateau are somewhat squeezed into a foggy valley, Gedung Songo are spread over the higher parts of the mountains, which guarantee a splendid view. On clear days, the horizon is one long row of volcanoes, from mount Lawu in the east, towards mount Sumbing, mount Sundoro and Dieng Plateau in the west.

The temples were built between 730 and 780, the first temple excepted, which could have been built some 30 years later. Gunung Songo is not the original name and also doesn't point at the number of structures. The number nine has a special meaning in the Javanese culture, in which there is a strong attachment to numbers. The temples are located at about the same distance from each other (100 meters, 200 meters) on a naturally formed terrace of edge of a mountain.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the ninth century measuring 123 x 123 meters. It is located at Magelang, 90-km southeast of Semarang, or 42-km northwest of Yogyakarta. Borobudur temple is the one of the best-preserved ancient monument in Indonesia that are most frequently visited by over a million domestic as well as foreign visitors. It also had been acclaimed by the world as a cultural heritage main kind. The architectural style has no equal through out the world. It was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Kamboja. Borobudur is one of the world's most famous temples; it stands majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. Borobudur is built of gray andesite stone. It rises to seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it. The top is the Great Stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs extending over a total length of six kilometers. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist relieves in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit and each scene an individual masterpiece.

Borobudur temple built in the eighth century by the Cailendra dynasty, is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words "Vihara Buddha Uhr" the Buddhist Monastery on the hill. Borobudur is a terraced temple surmounted by stupas, or stone towers; the terraces resemble Indonesian burial foundations, indicating that Borobudur was regarded as the symbol of the final resting place of its founder, a Syailendra, who was united after his death with the Buddha. The Prambanan temple complex is also associated with a dead king. The inscription of 856 mentions a royal funeral ceremony and shows that the dead king had joined Shiva, just as the founder of the Borobudur monument had joined the Buddha. Divine attributes, however, had been ascribed to kings during their lifetimes. A Mahayana inscription of this period shows that a ruler was said to have the purifying powers of a bodhisattva, the status assumed by the ruler of Shrivijaya in the 7th century; a 9th-century Shaivite inscription from the Kedu Plain describes a ruler as being "a portion of Shiva."

The Borobudur was in danger of collapsing as its stone statues and stone cancer, moss and lichen affected bas-reliefs. But, the monument has been completely restored and was officially opened by the President on 23rd February 1983. The restoration took eight years to complete, funded by the Government of Indonesia with aid from the UNESCO and donations from private citizens as well as from foreign governments.

The visitors have the option of going by taxi or public bus to reach this temple. Public transportation is available from the bus terminal. From that point visitors can hire becaks or horse carts, or walk the rest of the way to the monument. A large parking area is available not far from the monument, so private cars and buses can park in this area.


Klaten is the capital of regency, which thrives on the sugar industry. Klaten Regency occupies an area of 655,56 square kilometers and consists of 26 districts and more than 401 villages. Many pilgrims visit the grave of Sunan Bayat (one of the nine early Islamic preachers). In Klaten there is also the Sugar Museum, which is much visited by the people of Klaten Regency and its surroundings. Klaten was chosen as a manufacturing site because it is a traditional center for woodcarving and craftsmanship. The royal courts of Solo and Jogjakarta employed the forebears of some of the skilled workers at Alis Jaya in Dutch colonial times when artistic patronage by rulers was a vital part of local culture.

In Jatinom, the traditional ceremony of Sebaran Apem Yaqowiyu(Yaqowiyu Ceremony) is held each year. Rice-flour cakes are given out to the people. There is the grave of a poet of the Solo royal palace, Ronggo Warsito, and a resort called Rowo Jombar, about twenty-three kilometers from Solo toward the northwest.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com


Karimunjawa is and island chain stretching in a northwesterly direction 83 km from Jepara. Central Java. This archipelago is a cluster of 27 islands in the java sea. Only seven of the islands are inhabited. The reefs are a mixture of fringing, barrier, and patch with bottom depths ranging from 15 to 40 meters. The name of Karimunjawa is taken from Javanese language 'Kremun kremun saking tanah Jawi' addressed by one of Wali Songo (the Nine Saints who had introduced Islam in Java) to describe how far this mini archipelago from Java, to be exact from Semarang and Jepara. Stands from 27 islands, this mini archipelago became marine national park and it's like a treasure for those who love marine life. Here can be found protected coral reefs (very colorful plateaus and plains in deep and shallow waters), secluded and tranquil white beaches, pelican and hornbill, sea grass and kinds of sea creatures, from crabs, anchovy, starfish, sharks, stingray, jellyfish, red snappers, etc.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com/c


Surakarta or more famous as Solo is lying across in fertile plain terrain along the longest river in Java, Bengawan or River Solo. Flanked by mountain volcanoes Merapi and Merbabu in the north, and mount Lawu in the southeast border, is famous as a stronghold and center of Javanese culture and tradition. Surakarta, is the cradle of Javanese culture, with two royal houses in one single city: the Kraton of Solo and the Mangkunegaran, a principality. Descendants of these two royal houses are still considered leaders of Javanese culture and traditions. Majestic ceremonies and royal festivals are still held with great affectation nowadays. Surakarta or Solo (550000 inhabitants) draws its name from the longest river of Java, which passes in this city. It was the capital of the kingdom of Mataram from 1745 to 1755. There are many Becak (rickshaws decorated with naive scenes) croos the city.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com


Semarang city, the capital of Central Java province is located on the north Coast of Java Sea. Semarang is situated on Java's northern coast and is called the capital of Central Java, as it lies just about halfway between the extreme east and west coasts of the island. From Candi Hill we get amazing scenery of the port, the lowlands and green paddy fields, the city itself and the surrounding mountains. The environs around Semarang are perfect for clay trips side-excursions. Semarang is the five major cities in the nation. It is situated on Java's normally flat northern coast and appropriately called the capital of Central Java.

Semarang is a busy administrative and trading city, most of the offices, business centers, industrial estates are concentrated in the low land, where as in the hilly side, there are many houses with the beautiful gardens with a superb view to the town and the sea. The old records of this city date back to the 15th to the 18th century AD in where captivating ancient and colonial monuments still standing to present date.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com


Magelang Regency as a regency in Central Java is located between other regencies and municipalities such as Temanggung Regency, Semarang Regency, Boyolali Regency, Purworejo Regency, Wonosobo Regency, Magelang Municipality and DIY, stretches along the equator between 110001'51” and 110026'58” East Longitude and between 7019'13” and 7042'16” South Latitude. Magelang is a cool pleasant medium sized city about 40 Km north of Yogya, surrounded by several mountains; Merapi and Merbabu in the east, Sumbing and Sindoro in the west. It is located on the road connecting Yogya and Semarang on the west site, whereas the other east site is Yogya - Solo - Semarang. Magelang is a pleasant major Central Java town of medium size, about sixty-four kilometers from Wonosobo. Magelang town is also the capital of Magelang municipality, which covers an area of 18,12 square kilometers. It consists of two districts and fourteen villages. It is known, besides for its pleasant climate and beautiful surroundings, for the facts that the Indonesia National Military Academy is located here.

source by www.indonesia-tourism.com