Senin, 06 Agustus 2007


Denpasar is the capital of Bali. For the average tourist, there's really no reason to come to this neck of the woods. It’s an industrial city, busy and relatively crowded. It does have it's interesting places like the Bali Provincial State Museum with a collection of interesting Indonesian artefacts, dance costumes and traditional weavings to name just a few. Denpasar can be a good place to shop if you're looking for things that aren't in the normal range of things sold to tourists - and prices can be cheap. Perhaps the best bookstore in Bali is in Denpasar too, the Gramedia. There's an animal market, selling various animals to buy as pets. Also there's the main market, although I haven't been there since it burnt down in the late 90's. If it's still the same, it's very interesting. Make sure you have a strong stomach, take a camera and be prepared for some pretty gory sights and smells

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