Tasty Indonesian snack of Chicken wrapped in sticky rice.
The rice (Ketan) used is sold as "Sticky" or "Glutonous" rice. Although the name might suggest otherwise it contains no gluten but is very rich in starch. Use 2 cups of water for every cup of rice and boil for about 12 minutes. (make sure it doesn't stick to the sausepan). Then steam for a further 15 to 20 minutes.
500 gr. Ketan (see above).
200 gr. Chicken breast.
1 large red Onion.
4 cloves Garlic.
1 stalk Lemongrass.
2 Tsp. Trassi.
2 Tsp. Cummin. (Ground)
2 Tsp. Coriander. (Ground)
250 ml. Coconut milk.
2 Tbl. Oil.
Boil the rice as explained above and leave to cool.
Boil the chicken in some water. Set aside. Finely chop Onions, Garlic and Lemongrass. Heat oil in a wok and fry Onion, Garlic and Lemongrass mixture. When browned add chopped chicken and other spices. keep frying for a further 3 minutes then add the coconut milk and reduce so the mixture is almost dry again. Leave to cool. Follow procedure below to make the Ketans.
On a lightly oiled square of tin-foil spread out the cooled down rice in a rectangular shape (12cm * 8cm).
Place a tablespoon of the chicken mixture in the centre of the rice and, using the foil, lift the rice around the mixture so that the end result is croquette shape with the rice covering the filling on all sides.
The lemper can now be individual wrapped in Banana leaves or tin-foil. They can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 days max. or frozen.
To serve the Lemper, reheat in a steamer and when hot serve as a snack with Sambal Ulek and Kecap Manis.
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Minggu, 07 Desember 2008
Lemper Ayam
Label: traditional food
Diposting oleh admin di 08.35 1 komentar
Minggu, 30 November 2008
Soto Bandung
onSoto Bandung is another traditional Sundanese dish worth savouring. Just like Lotek has a Javanse cousin called Gado Gado , Soto Bandung is related to the more widespread Soto Ayam (chicken soup). As opposed to soto ayam which uses chicken, soto bandung uses beef and santen (coconut paste).
Soto Bandung consists of a powerful clear broth, filled with beef strips, peanuts and slices of a white carrot named ‘lobak'. It is usually spiced up to flaming levels with a green sambal (chili paste) but that is only advisable if your tolerance for pedas (spicy) is off the charts.
Soto Bandung has a powerful aroma that instantly gives you energy and warms you up. This would be a great dish for cold rainy days (which by the way are plentiful in Bandung ) when you find yourself sneezing and snottering. Unfortunately it is not too common to find Soto Bandung these days.
Instant noodles are obviously far more practical and fast to make but the difference in taste can't be ignored. Fresh spices such as ginger, sereh (lemongrass) and salam leaf definitely beats the artificial MSG flavourings that come with instant noodles nowadays. So if you are lucky enough to spot a soto bandung stand, take your chance and taste soup like your Indonesian grandma would make.
source : www.streetdirectory.com
Label: traditional food
Diposting oleh admin di 19.23 0 komentar
Es Campur
Es campur literally means ‘mixed ice' and although you may expect an ice cream cone or a sorbet, the ice in this sweet little dish stands for ice cubes. The ice cubes float in a mangkok (bowl) filled with milk, coconut shavings, avocado, nangka (jackfruit) and several kinds of jelly. Indonesians seem to have a thing for jelly. With Es Campur, you have the chance to taste three kinds of jelly at the same time. First of, there are little cubes of cing-cau jelly made from the cing-cau leaf. Next there’s sekotang which are little pink balls made of tapioca. Finally there is the cengakeleng which is made of coconut.
source by www.streetdirectory.com
Label: traditional food
Diposting oleh admin di 18.46 0 komentar
Kamis, 13 November 2008
Lampung province is located at the extreme of south of Sumatra is overlooked, over flown by most tourists. In the past it was well known for its marvelous 'tapi' fabrics, some using real gold thread, and for its pepper. But today, it is the location from ambitious transmigration projects, resettling farmers from over-populated Java. It boasts volcanoes, wildlife reserve, megalithic remain and a superb coastline of deep-cut bays and wonderful beaches. Its capital is Bandar Lampung, is made up of twin cities that is Teluk Betung and Tanjung Karang. Way Kambas Nature Reserve is a 130,000 ha area of swamp and lowland forest with wild elephant, tapir and many other animals.
The name of Lampung province was taken from origin Lampungnese. Before Indonesia became independent country, a resident led Lampung region and the status was as residency area (Residentie lampungche districten) with many afdeling (afdeling Teloek betoeng, afdeling metroand afdeling kotabumi). The villages/old town with traditional living characteristic could be found like sukadana, menggala, kenali, liwa, blambangan umpu etc. A part of these town bacame the capital of district. In the first of 2000 was 7 millions the population of Lampung Province. Among 10 district / town, the most population was in central Lampung with 1.901.630 and the density population was in Bandar Lampung city, 3.763 soul/km2.
Lampung province is located between 3o 45' and 6o 45' South Latitude and between 103o 40' and 105o 50' East Longitude. This province is bordered by:
North side: South Sumatra Province
South Side: Sunda Strait
West side: Bengkulu Province
East side: Java Sea
Wide Area
The wide area of Lampung province is 33,307 sq km,
Lampung Province is divided among 4 regencies, 1 municipality and 1 administrative town with Bandar Lampung as its capital city.
The humidity of this province is various between 50% and 86%, and the rainfall is ranges between 2,000 and 4,000 mm per year. The temperature ranges between 20o C and 34o C.
The migration flow to Lampung province is supported by the existence of heavy plantation, fishery and industry. In 1994, the total population of this province was 6,200,306 people, with its average density of 196.8 people per Km2. Compared to the average national population growth amounted to 2.144% per year, this province was on the lower level with 2.12% per year during the 1990-1994 period. The projection and composition in 1997 can be seen on the following table.
Lampung society consists of two main groups, respectively has special traditional law. They are Peminggir traditional society and Pepadun traditional society. Peminggir societies, such as, Krui, Ranau, Komering, and Kayu Agung society, live along the coast And, Pepadun society, who customarily conservative, such as, Abung (Abung Siwo Migo), Pubian (Pubian Telu Suku), Tulang Bawang (Migo Pak), Buai Lima (Way Kanan), and Sungkay Bunga Mayang, live in the inland.
Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.29 2 komentar
South Sumatra Province is situated on the eastern side of Bukit Barisan mountain range South Sumatra province is relatively flat, nevertheless fertile, as numerous rivers crisscross and meander through out the region. Palembang is its capital city and as the gateway to the province, lies right on the banks of the great Musi River, 60 km upstream and navigable by oceangoing vessels. No wonder that most major social and economic activities should center in Palembang and Musi River where the region's pride, Ampera Bridge, is found as well.
Because of its sheer location on the southernmost rim of the South China Sea and close to one of world's busiest sea-lanes linking the Far East with Europe, the region's historical background is undoubtedly rich and colorful. Once the very site of the Buddhist Kingdom of Sriwijaya, it practiced a bustling trade with then ancient China during its era dynasties. Inevitable of course, were the interacting forces of the two different cultures at the time, which nowadays are still noticeable as consequences of the past.
The visitors can easily reach South Sumatra by air through four major airports at Palembang, Pangkal Pinang, Bangka and Belitung islands, all having direct connections with Medan, Batam, Padang, Jakarta, and not long from now with Singapore too. Air-conditioned buses from points North and West of Palembang are regularly available, as well as from cities on Java and Bali
Geographically, South Sumatra province is located between 1o and 4o South Latitude and between 102o and 108o East Longitude. The boundaries of the area is:
North side: South China Sea
West side: Jambi Province and Bengkulu Province
South side: Lampung Province
East side: Java Sea
South Sumatra Province is divided among 8 regencies, 2 municipals and 3 administrative towns with Palempang as its capital city.
The humidity of south Sumatra province is 78%. The rainfall range is variation between 2,000 - 3,000 mm per year and an average wind velocity of 3.23 km per hour. And the temperature ranges between 21.8o C and 32.2o C.
A migration flow to this province is supported by the existence of heavy plantation exertion, mining and transmigration program. The population density of this province is 58,8 people per Km2 (1994). Compared to the average national population growth amounted to 2.144% per year, this province was on the lower level with 1.10% per year.
Wide Area
The area of south Sumatra province is 103,688 sq. km width.
source www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.27 0 komentar
Bengkulu is the smallest and lowest populated province of Sumatra. Bengkulu province is located on the southwest coast of Sumatra. It occupies of 19,831 sq. km area and has about one million populations, comprising mostly Rejang, Malay, Bugis and Chinese ethnic ancestry people. Bukit Barisan mountain range constitutes its northeastern border, beyond which laid of South Sumatra province and Jambi province. The province protected by a stretch of mountains, which soon flow into the mighty Bukit Barisan. Tigers and elephants wander through the remains of the original rainforest, where exotic rafflesia's and orchids grow.
The British founded Bengkulu in 1685. It is a university town and administrative centre. It is the last territory in Indonesia to be held by the British. Fort Marlborough, constructed in 1762, is a castle with gatehouse that contains old gravestones with English inscription. Sir Stamford Raffles, who later found Singapore, was lieutenant - government of Bengkulu from 1818 to 1823.
Thomas Stamford Raffles was an important figure in Bengkulu history, which in 1817 was appointed as a Lieutenant-Governor of Bencoolen, the only territory in the area, which the Dutch had never managed to bring under their control. Raffles was an extraordinary and energetic man of wide-ranging interests. In the year of his arrival, he and a botanist named Joseph Arnold discovered the world's largest flower, at Manna River near Lubuktapi, in South Bengkulu. The flower is now known as Rafflesia Arnoldi and is the official symbol of Bengkulu province.
Tabah Penanjung, an hour drive into the hills above Bengkulu is a nature reserve where rafflesias are often found. Mt Bukit Kaba, near the hill town of Curup can be climbed in a day from Bengkulu.
Geographically, Bengkulu is located between 2o and 5o South Latitude and between 101o and 104o Eastern Longitude. This Province is bordered by:
East Side: Jambi Province
West Side: Indian Ocean
South Side: Lampung Province and Indian Ocean
North Side: West Sumatra Province
Bengkulu Province is divided among 1 municipality and 3 districts, with Bengkulu as its capital city.
Its humidity is 87% and the rainfall ranges 3,598 mm per year. The temperature of this area ranges between 22.2o C and 31.1o C.
Bengkulu Province has an indigineous community consisted of Manna, Muko-Muko, and Minang. A transmigration program supports a migration flow to this province. The population density of this province was 68 people per Km2. Compared to the average national population growth amounted to 2.144% per year; this province was on the higher level with 3.42% per year in the 1990-1994.
Bengkulu province is located on the southwest coast of Sumatra. It occupies of 19,831 sq. km area and has about one million populations, comprising mostly Rejang, Malay, Bugis and Chinese ethnic ancestry people.
Wide Area
Bengkulu province area is 21,168-sq.km widths. Bukit Barisan mountain range constitutes its northeastern border, beyond which lie in South Sumatra and Jambi provinces.
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Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.26 0 komentar
Jambi province is located on the east coast of Central Sumatra faces to Malaka Straits sharing borders with four other provinces in Sumatra and has long a melting pot for different ethnic groups. The earliest inhabitants were the Kubus, who were among the first wave of Malays to migrate to Sumatra. The ancient kingdom of Melayu developed and grew in Jambi and maintained relations with the mighty kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Singasari, but was eventually attacked and annexed by Sriwijaya in the middle of the 17th century. Encompassing an area of 53,435 sq km, almost 60% of which is forest, the province is home to a large variety of fauna and floraand and an exhilarating place for active and adventurous visitors.
One of the greatest kingdoms in Indonesia history, the Buddhist Empire of Sriwijaya, prospered and grew along the Musi River bank in Shouth Sumatra over a thousand years ago. Located in the southern-most rim of the Shout China Sea, close to one of the world's busiest shipping lanes linking the Far East With Europe, the region's historical background is rich and colorful.
Palembang is still the gateway to the province, and together with Pangkal Pinang on Bangka Island and Tanjung Pandan on Belitung, provides the region with three major airports. All three cities have direct connections with Medan, Batam, Padang and Jakarta and the future will see the introduction of flights to Singapore. Air-conditioned buses from north and west points of Palembang are also regulary available, as well as the major cities in Java and Bali.
Geographically, Jambi is located between 0o 45' - 2o 45' Northern Latitude and between 101o 10' - 104o 55' East Longitude. This province is bordered by
North side: Riau province
West side: West Sumatra
East side: Berhala Strait
South side: Bengkulu province
Wide Area
Jambi province area is 44,800 sq km width.
Jambi Province is divided among 5 regencies and 1 municipality.
Jambi Humidity is about 83%. The rainfall ranges about 1,940 - 2,941 mm per year. The temperature is range between 22.5o C and 33.6o C.
source www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.24 0 komentar
Riau province is one of the fastest growing parts of Indonesia in terms of economic, population and tourism. Riau Province occupies the central part of eastern region on Sumatra Island, which straddles between Malacca Straits, South China Sea and Berhala Straits. The Province is a strategic region as it directly faces Malacca Straits and Singapore, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.
Riau is one of the richest provinces in Indonesia. This province is rich with natural resources, particularly petroleum and natural gas, rubber, and palm oil. The majority of the province is heavily forested lowland; logging is a major industry in the province.
source www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.22 0 komentar
West Sumatra is one of the most beautiful areas of Indonesia. It is mountainous and divided by three valleys. There are lovely lakes and spectacular volcanoes. But Minangkabau land is very special and has the most friendly population group of Indonesia. They love to talk with visitors and will tell us about their unique society. If a visitor tries to understand the culture and Minang traditions he will soon feel himself a member of the clan. He will be invited as a guest to their homes - a unique way to become acquainted with real Indonesian life. Most of our hosts and hostesses are English teachers so language will not be much of a problem. They will show us the community and explain their customs.
The land of the Minangkabau, West Sumatra has a distinct culture, which distinguishes it from the rest of the island. A land of scenic beauty with blue green lakes and mountains, West Sumatra's Centre of culture and tourism is Bukittinggi in the highlands, north of the provincial capital of Padang. Most prominent in the landscape is the horn-shaped roofs of the houses nestled in the coconut groves. The name Minangkabau means triumphant buffalo. It leads a community and family life based on a matrilineal system, which clusters around mosques and the traditional houses. As it is the women who have the properties, the men are known for their wanderlust and entrepreneurship. Traveling is considered a mark of success and therefore many of them are found "merantau" (emigrated) to other parts of the country. This is proof that many Minang or Padang restaurants, serve very spicy food, found in all major towns in the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent in a poetic style of speech and ceremonies. Festivals are colorWest Sumatra has a coastline where the capital is situated. The hinterland is a range of high mountains, which dip into picturesque valleys and lakes. Amongst them are the remnants of the old Minangkabau kingdom of Pagaruyung, (the art centers for silver, hand-weaving, embroidery and woodcarving).
West Sumatra province has about 49,778 sq km width, which is located between 0o 54' North Latitude and 3o 30' South Latitude and between 98o 36' and 101o 53'. The boundaries of this regency is:
North Side: Riau Province
South Side: Indian Ocean
West Side: North Sumatra Province
East Side: Jambi and Bengkulu Province
Wide Area
West Sumatra Province has 42,297.30-km2 areas. The West Sumatran coastline faces the Indian Ocean and stretches 375 km from North Sumatra province in the northwest to Bengkulu in the southeast. West Sumatra lakes include: Maninjau (99.5 km2), Singkarak (130.1 km2), Diatas (31.5 km2), Dibawah (14.0 km2), Talang (5.0 km2). West Sumatra rivers include: Kuranji, Anai, Ombilin, Suliki, Arau. The mountains & volcanoes of West Sumatra are included: Marapi (2,891 m), Sago (2,271 m), Singgalang (2,877 m), Talakmau (2,912 m), Talang (2,572 m), Tandikat (2,438 m).
The temperature of West Sumatra province has ranges between 22o C and 32o C, and the rainfall is 2,289 mm per year.
West Sumatra Province is divided among 8 regencies and 6 municipals with Padang as its capital city.
The people of this province have a strong tradition leaving their hometown to make their way of life. Indeed, West Sumatra communities (Minang) are easily found in each province of Indonesia. In 1994, the total population reached 4,265,900 people with its density amounted to 101 people per Km2. In the 1990-1994 period, the people grew at a rate 1.6% per year or in the lower level that of the population national growth amounted to 2.144% per year.
Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.20 0 komentar
North Sumatra is one of Indonesia's last surfing frontiers. "North Sumatra" consists of 5 islands or island groups: Hinako Islands, Nias, Telos and 2 other obscure island groups to the north. North Sumatra receives similar swell to Mentawais and enjoys its peak swell season from May to September. Despite Indonesia's reputation for hollow lefts, in North Sumatra right-handers are slightly more prevalent. While Lagundri Bay at Nias has been surfed for decades, it is the more obscure rights like Bawa (a Sunset-like right bowl that holds up to 15 feet) and Treasure Island (a long, hollow, mechanical right peeling for 200 meters) that have attracted the attention of late. Throw a mix of hollow and bowl lefthanders into the picture like Asu, Afulu, the Machine, and many more obscure rights and lefts.
In contrast to the small island of Bali, North Sumatra province is large with one of the biggest lakes in the world, Toba Lake, at its navel. The continuous mountain of Bukit Barisan, which extends from Aceh at the tip of Sumatra island to Lampung at the bottom of the island, guards the province on the west side, providing home for thick, tropical jungles and lush vegetations. As you go down the western mountains towards the beaches of the east, mountain streams, strong rivers, and gorgeous waterfalls will accompany you.
Along the length of this province crosses Bukit Barisan Mountains with peaks of numerous volcanoes. The land has thick virgin forests, lush vegetation, rice fields, mountain streams, rivers, waterfalls and sandy beaches. It has a rich flora and fauna. An abundance of birds, butterflies, buffaloes, deer, mouse deer, orangutans and many other export commodities make North Sumatra one of the richest provinces in Indonesia, as it produces more than 30 % of Indonesia's exports. The province offers the visitors, especially nature lovers, beautiful tropical panoramas, terraced rice fields, blue mountains, jungle covered hills, white sandy beaches, music, dance and folk arts.
Relative to Bali, North Sumatra has very heterogeneous ethnic groups, and thus, cultures. The people of the eastern coasts, also known as the Malays (Melayu) have markedly different traditions and culture from Batak highlanders who live around Toba Lake and Samosir Island. Further south, the Mandailings and Angkolas, and Nias Island, have yet more flavors of traditions and culture. Besides them, there are several ethnic groups who live in Medan and other towns of North Sumatra. Its largest groups are Chinese and Indian, who being naturalized Indonesian citizens. Other Indonesian tribes like Acehnese, Minangkabau, Javanese, etc also live in many parts here. Each of the mentioned tribes as well as the ethnic groups has its own dialect, religion, beliefs, traditional customs, etc. Arts and cultures make this region, a paradise for social scientists. Among the ancient Indonesian cultures, which can be seen at Samosir Island, are the centuries old tombs of Batak Toba kings and a stone-table with its benches, where the Siallagan chiefs formerly held meetings.
North Sumatra province has 70,787 sq km width. Geographically, it is located between 1o and 4o North Latitude and between 98o and 100o East Longitude. The area is Borders with:
- North side: the special territory of Aceh
- South side: West Sumatra Province and Riau Province
- West side: Indian Ocean
- East side: Malacca Strait
North Sumatra Province is divided among 11 regencies, 6 municipals, and 3 administrative towns with Medan as its capital city.
Composed of coastal areas, lowlands, plateaus, and mountains.
Humidity: Varies between 79% and 96%.
As one of Indonesia islands, North Sumatra has rainfall of 1,100-3,400 mm per year. It temperature is range between 18o C and 34o C.
Historically, North Sumatra Province has a migration flow of population either from other provinces because of the existence of heavy plantation in this province or migration to other areas for studying and expanding business. Since population mobility is high, there are multi ethnics on the community. In 1994, the population density of North Sumatra Province reached 157 people per Km2. Compared to the average national population growth (2.144% per year), this province was on the lower level with 1.53% per year. The projection population composition in 1997 can be seen on the following table.
source www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: sumatera tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 22.18 0 komentar
Aceh is rich of events, attraction and unique cultures that it will fascinate anyone. Aceh is also rich in natural beauty, waves and sea garden, which is suitable for diving. Some of most beautiful Aceh tourism and historical sites and beaches have been damaged by the massive earthquake and Dec '04 Tsunami. The name of Aceh Darussalam is come from Aceh language means the welfare and peace Aceh country. Aceh is located in the Northwestern of Sumatra Island with the area of approximately 57,365.57 km square or 12.26 % of size of Sumatra Island. It consists of 119 islands, 73 major rivers and 2 lakes.
Aceh is surrounded by:
North side: Malacca Strait
East Side: North Sumatra Province
South and the west Side: Indian Ocean.
The capital of Aceh is Banda Aceh. The Special Province of Aceh with its area of 57, 365.57 square kilometers covering 1.17 per cent of Indonesia is situated at the northern tip of Sumatra Island, between latitudes 2
In the central part of this province runs Bukit Barisan Mountain ranges with Tangse, Gayo, and Alas uplands. Also, there are several mountains found in the region such as Pasee Mountain with its peak, Geureudong" (2,595 m), and Peut Sagoe (2,708 m), Gayo Mountain range with its peak Burni Telong (2,566 m), and Ucap Malu Mountain range (3,187 m). Other mountains include: Alas mountain with its peak Abong-abong (3,015 m) Leuser (3,466 m), Aceh" Raya Mountain range with its peak Seulawah Agam, (1,762 m) and Seulawah Inong Mountain (868 m).
The area also has several lakes such as Laut Tawar Lake in Central Aceh with an area of 60 square kilometers and a height of 1,225 meters above sea level, and also lake Aneuk Laot in Sabang (Weh Island).Besides the mountains and lakes, there are also several major and lesser rivers, which run into both of Malacca Strait or into the Indonesian Ocean. Among the rivers running into Malacca Straits are: Krueng Aceh (Aceh River) in the Greater Aceh Regency, Krueng Peusangan and Krueng Jambo Aye in North Aceh Regency, Krueng Baro in Pidie Regency, and Krueng Peureulak and Krueng Tamiang in East Aceh Regency; The rivers running to the Indonesian Qcean are Krueng Teunom and Krueng Meureubo in West Aceh Regency, Krueng Kluet, Krueng Simpang Kiri and Krueng Simpang Kanan in South Aceh Regency.

On the west and south coasts, there are both large and small islands, some of which are inhabited and others, which are uninhabited. These islands are Weh Island, Breuh Island, Nasi Island, Simeulue Island and Tuangke Island (Banyak Island).
Weather & Climate
The dry season in Aceh usually lasts from March through August. The rainy season starts in September to last until February. The average annual rainfall ranges from 2,000 mm to 3,000 mm, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 30° Celsius. In the highlands, the average temperature is 200 Celsius. The amount of rainfall varies between all parts of Aceh. The western and southern coasts have more rainfall than the other parts. The weather along the coastal areas is usually warm. In the mountains tend to be cooler. The humidity varies from 65 to 75 percent. The wind from the west begins in June through November while the wind from the east begins in December through May.
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: aceh
Diposting oleh admin di 20.43 0 komentar
Nimaga River
the beauty place where the visitor can enjoy panorama of two water fall where replace in Tncep with tall 70 m and Timukar with tall 90 m villages. the river which like by visitor to do water sport in Timbukar vilage, Minahasa regency, South Sulawesi
Diposting oleh admin di 20.28 0 komentar
Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008
Kasuarina Cape
Named of the big casuarinas trees, which grow in that area. Casuarinas Cape is just two kilometers from Sorong town on the Bird's Head peninsula of northern Irian Jaya. Good for swimming and recreation.
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: indonesia tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 13.58 0 komentar
The Asmat Drums
Asmat drums are made in exactly the same way that the mythological figure Fumer-ipits is said to have made the drum that brought the Asmat people to life. The drums are carved from a single piece of wood and the handle is decorated with head hunting symbols and covered with the skin of a monitor lizard, attached with an adhesive made from blood and lime. Indeed, the mythological Fumer-ipits was thus not only the first wood carver but also the first drummer.
The hourglass shaped drums take a long time to make and require constant attention as the drum may split during the drying process. Each drum is carved from a solid log being specially selected for its soft centre, which can be easily removed with a hard palm wood stick. A lot of water is needed for this task which is usually performed by the banks of a river preferably at high tide so that the wood chips wash away. Once the centre hole is made, the hourglass shape is obtained by placing hot embers on the wood to burn it slowly. The charred canter is then scraped out afterwards; the exterior is shaped out leaving the curved handles.
Holding the drum close to a fire and allowing the skin to shrink to the correct tension tune a drum. Because of the high humidity, a drum skin loses tension rapidly and needs to be retunaed every twenty to thirty minutes. The picture of the drum is determined by its length and diameter. Each drum can produce only a single tone and so usually a number of drums and drummers are us
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: indonesia tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 13.56 0 komentar
The Asmat Shields
Traditionally, shields were carved prior to a headhunting reprisal raid, which was organized to avenge the death of the ancestor for whom the shield was named. A shield always represents an ancestor. It is named after him and the ancestor's spirit is believed to be present in the shield and make the owner fierce, powerful and invincible. Shields are considered so powerful that it may control the owner. Shields also provide spiritual help to the owner in hunting regular prey for food.
A shield is carved out of the lightweight flattened (or plank) buttress root of a mangrove tree-- the root is planed to half an inch thick, except for a protrusion left on one side for a handle. The front of the shield is carved in high relief. They include symbols of wild boar tusks or bones, flying foxes, the tails of tree kangaroos, whirlpools. Some symbols are believed to be so powerful that just by seeing these symbols, the enemy will flee in terror or be immobilized in fear. But such powerful symbols require strict rituals of appeasement. A special feast, the yamas pokumbu is held to call upon the ancestor's spirit to enter the war shields.
The spirit in the shield must be properly treated or it might cause disease, or doom hunting efforts and rot the sago palms. During festivals, shields are decorated with tassels of sago leaves and placed near each other so the spirits may interact. Shields are placed near doorways to protect the home from evil spirits and human intruders.
Shields from different areas have different features: some have a phallic protrusion at the top; others have a symbolic head at the top, yet others add facial features of the ancestor at the top
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: indonesia tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 13.54 0 komentar
The Asmat
Asmat people who live along the remote southeast coast around Agats are famed for their artistic "primitive" woodcarving. Modern civilization did not reach this area until recently. Agats has an interesting museum filled with woodcarvings and other objects. The area however is still largely untamed wilderness. Asmat crash received a boost in late 1960s under a United Nations supported project to encourage local craftsmen to keep alive their art.
The Asmat homeland comprises the rugged and isolated southern coast of Irian Jaya. It is an area of approximately 10,000 square miles and comprises mainly swamps and mangroves.
Ancestor figures were traditionally made only for the festival honoring Fumer-ipits. They wear a unique costume. Tourists demand, however, is as resulted to change to this custom. Previously, after the festival, the figure is discarded into the forests near a sago tree because it was believed that as the wood of the carving is deteriorated, the power of the ancestor was transferred to the sago palm. Other ancestor carvings are designed as elements in larger carvings, such as canoe prows, paddles or ancestor poles.The Asmat believe that all things have a spirit whether humans, animals, plants and even special locations such as a whirlpool or the bottom of a river. They also believe that the world is divided between that which can be seen and that which is unseen which is the realm of the spirits. It is considered important to maintain a proper balance between the seen and the unseen. In this respect, birth and death balanced the population between the seen and unseen realms and one cannot take place without the other. This would manifest itself in disease, hunger, death and misfortune that will be caused by the unsettled spirits.
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: indonesia tourism
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Raja Ampat Island
The Raja Ampat Island in Irian is group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands. The four largest islands are Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. The area's reefs are covered in a diverse selection of both hard and soft corals. Most of the areas reefs are pristine, with mile after mile of perfect hard corals, drift after drift of soft corals of many species and colors ranging from brilliant red, to shocking yellow pretty pink and exotic purple. Most reef dives are very colorful. The tourist would be able to experience the best dives sites within those islands, which include Cape Kri, Mellisa's Garden, Sardines Reef, The Passage, Nudibranch Rock, Wai Island Night Dive.Raja Ampat is the western island of Papua Island. The name of Raja Ampat based on the legend. This area had begun with 6 eggs that found by King Waikew in Waigeo Island. But from the 6 eggs, just 5 eggs had crack. The last was become an egg stone till now on.
From the fifth eggs that had cracked, the 4 eggs was become men who become King of four big islands that is Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. While the one egg became a woman, had wash away and stranded in Biak Island. That woman was born a child named Gura Besi that known as the historical man of Raja Ampat, because of his heroic story.
The regency that formed based on the constitution number 26 in 2002, is the development of Sorong regency on 12 April 2003. This area has 46.000 km2. But, 85% of this area is archipelago area. There are 610 islands in this area. But most of them have no social life. This regency has 10 districts and 85 villages with about 48.707 men.
Geographically, this area has strategic location. Its boundaries is:
North side: Pacific Ocean
West Side: North Maluku
South side: Maluku Sea
East Side: Sorong Regency
For the fauna sector, Raja Ampat has rarely fauna, such as; red birds of paradise (Paradise Rubra), Wilson birds of paradise (Cicinnurs Republica), Maleo Waigeo (Spilocuscus Papuensis), and rainbow fishes. Hence, for the flora, Raja Ampat has many kinds of Orchids, Waigeo palm, ironwoods or black woods, 'keruing', 'ulin' woods, etc.
Because of its various nature profit, Raja Ampat will declared by Maritime Ministry Freddy Numberi as ancient regency, based on its location that not only rich of fishes, but also its sea herb and the pearl.
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: indonesia tourism
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Irian Jaya is a tropical island with primeval rain forests, powerful rivers, beautiful beaches, lakes, and mountains. The highest mountain is Mount Jayawijaya, with snowcaps covering its 5,000-meter-high peaks. The area is also rich in natural resources, including fish, timber, and precious metals. These, however ever, have become a source of conflict between the central government and local peoples.
West Irian Jaya is a hot, humid island rising from the sea with some of the most impenetrable jungles in the world and yet also has snowcaps covering 5,000meter - High Mountain peaks, towering over glacier lakes. West Irian Jaya is Indonesia's largest and easternmost province and covers the western half of the world's second largest island. It is a land of exceptional natural grandeur, with beautiful scenic beaches, immense stretches of marshlands, cool grassy meadows and powerful rivers carving gorges and tunnels through dark and dense primeval forests. The most heavily populated and cultivated parts of the island are the Paniai Lakes district and the Baliem Valley to the east.
The people of the island can be divided into more than 250 subgroup, which are closely related to the islands along the southern rim of the Pacific and include among others, the Marindanim, Yah'ray, Asmat, Mandobo, Dani and Afyat. Those in the central highlands still maintain their customs and traditions and because of the terrain have virtually been untouched by outside influences. Communications hove always been difficult here and different tribes have lived, for the most part, in isolation even of each other, resulting in an incredibly diverse mixture of cultures.
The province has a population of approximately 800,000, making it one of the least populous of all Indonesian provinces. The capital of Irian Jaya Barat is Manokwari. The most populated and cultivated parts of the island are Paniai Lake district and Baliem Valley to the east. The population comprises migrants from Java and indigenous people from diverse tribes, such as Dani of Baliem Valley in the central highlands, Asmat of the southern coastal region, and Ekari of Wissel Lakes region. The official language is Indonesian, but the indigenous people, reflecting the isolation and small numbers of the tribes, speak at least 250 languages.
The province contains one city, Sorong, and 8 regencies:
* Manokwari
* Fak Fak
* Sorong Selatan with its capital is Teminabuan
* Raja Ampat with its capital is Waisai
* Kaimana
* Bintuni Bay with its capital is Bintuni
* Wondama Bay with its capital is Rasiei
* Sorong Regency
* Sorong city
source by www.indonesia-tourism
Label: indonesia tourism
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Bangka-Belitung is one of Indonesia provinces. It includes two large islands, Bangka and Belitung, and several smaller ones, which lie east of Sumatra, northeast of South Sumatra province. Bangka Belitung (BABEL) Islands province is the 31st Province in Indonesia, one of the newest provinces. Bangka Belitung get it’s approved as a new province in 2001 separated with south Sumatra. That acknowledgement is because of the people struggle. The region that was a great tin mines, now already to reach the new phase in its life. It provisioned with the beautiful of nature, and the uniquely of culture, Bangka Belitung step to the better future.
Supported by the “Serumpun Sabalai” spirit and abundant natural resources, it has been expecting a greater role to speed up the island region's development, namely Bangka regency, Belitung regency and Pangkal Pinang city through cooperation development. That potency of culture and tourism is also supported by its strategic location that can connect with other interesting area. The sea transportation that become the most accessibility in Bangka Belitung Island, is support its economics activities among the Islands.
The richness of Bangka Belitung Island of nature and tin mines until its maritime rich, make Bangka Belitung a magnet for the new comers to get a better life. A Balinese countryside is found in this Island named Giri Jati village, complete with all of Bali culture that remembering us to Bali Island. Beside Bali tribe, we also can found Bugis tribe that adds the various cultures in Bangka Balitung Island. This Bugis tribe can be found in the fishermen village at Tanjung Binga. Otherwise, the original tribe, Melayu culture has strong influence in the traditional ceremony and religious ceremony. One of the ceremonies is Rebo Kasan Ceremony that done by Air Anyer village people. It is believed that one day of a year, the God give His 320,000 angels in the world. The people must together to pray. This ceremony was held in the beach, but now on, it held in the mosque then continued to the beach. Formerly, this ceremony become the people party with its star party is ‘Dambus’ art.
Bangka Belitung province is located between 104°50' - 109°30' East Longitude and 0°50' - 4°10' South Latitude, with its total area of 81,724.54 km.
Administrativelly, Bangka Belitung comprises of 2 regencies and 1 city, namely Bangka regency, Belitung regency and Pangkal Pinang City, of which, the biggest regency's area is Bangka regency with 11,534.14 km area, and the smallest is Pangkal Pinang City, with 89.40 km area.
There are two seasons that are suitable for sailing to these islands: February-March and October-November, when the wind and the waves are low. The heaviest rainfall is around 2,500 mm per annum with its average temperature between 25°C - 26°C.
In 2001, Babel's population was 920,729 consisted of 462,640 men and 458,089 women. The biggest population among the regencies was Bangka regency, 583,841 people, while the most density population was Pangkalpinang City, with its 1,396 people/km. In 2001, the growth of population reached 1.49 % per annum averagely. Labor. In 2000, its labor force recorded as many as 100,825 people.
source by www.indonesia-tourism.com
Label: indonesia tourism
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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008
Linowu Lake
This Like serve the beauty panorama which the water always change from the color, the location from minahasa.
Label: sulawesi tourism
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Likupang Beach
this beach prove to our from their beauty, int here we can play in the white sand and using booth to see the panorama in surrounding. this beach replace in 48 km from Manado city, include Balitung area.
Label: sulawesi tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 10.33 0 komentar
Mahawu Mountain
BEFORE SAPUTAN MOUNTAIN, in the north sulawesi replace kinds of mountain, one of them IS Mahawu Mountain (1300 M) it is active volcano which in the surrounding of them we can find kinds of Housing, farming area, and the naturally of Jungle. it adding the panorama by visitor who needed paces and refresh their main. it is replace in Tomoho regency, minahasa, north Sulawesi. it not to long from Manando about 25 km, to reach in there we can using public transportation or using transportation ourselves
Label: sulawesi tourism
Diposting oleh admin di 09.59 0 komentar